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How to find a roommate in Cherry Hill, NJ

Roommates sitting in a room

When deciding to move to Cherry Hill you should think about if you want to live alone or with a roommate. Firstly, you should settle your moving arrangements, and the best way to do so is by contacting movers North Jersey NJ. With this out of the way, it is time to find a roommate in Cherry Hill.

Alone or with company

A lot of people don’t want to rent out an apartment if they are not sure how to find an appropriate roommate. There are a lot of compelling reasons to live with a roommate. They can offer you company; nobody wants to come home to an empty apartment. You can always be sure that there is somebody to step in and watch your pet, plants, or mail when you’re out of town. Also, having a roommate is a financially better choice as you split the utility costs in half.

Another great thing about having a roommate is that you get to see a daily routine different from yours. You get a chance to try new dishes, new exercise regimes, everything new.

People trying to find a roommate in Cherry Hill

However, if you are not careful, a roommate can pose a problem. You may end up with somebody you don’t agree with.  Luckily, if you take some action before you begin your apartment hunt, you can avoid those problems. Here are some tips to get a roommate in Cherry Hill.

 A good friend does not guarantee a good roommate

It’s a myth that a good friend will always make a good roommate. You are more considerate when you share your living space with someone that you don’t know so well. If you are considering moving in with a friend, you should question both your’s and your friend’s habits and make a reasonable choice. If you are moving to a new space, hire residential movers NJ, and make sure to set up some ground rules as soon as you move in.

What to look for in a roommate

You need to think about some important things when looking for a roommate. Are you a smoker? If, not could you live with one? Would you be able to agree with a smoker on a designated smoking area?  Do you want a roommate with pets? What is your opinion on sharing food? What does your ideal weekend look like? If you are a person that likes peace and quiet, and you end up with a roommate that constantly has people over, things will get heated sooner or later. The same works vice versa.

Game night

Another thing you need to ask your potential roommate is how does he or she solve problems. It is important to know that there will be a way to reach a compromise when you run into problems with your roommate.

Find a roommate in Cherry Hill through social media

After planning your move with movers Cherry Hill NJ, it is time to find yourself a roommate. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are a perfect opportunity to post about your search. Additionally, you should seize the opportunity of social networks and join groups dedicated to your mission– finding an ideal roommate. You will have a bigger number of people to chose from, as those kinds of groups are usually quite large.

Roommate sites

Apart from social media, look around the internet and search up sites dedicated to finding a roommate. Don’t stress, there are always people that share your specific problem and are looking for a roommate as well. The network is quite large and always changing, so you will find someone in no time.

Ask your friends

Usually, there is always someone who knows a person who needs an apartment and/or a roommate. Don’t be shy and ask around with your friends and family, there is a high chance you will find a roommate. Furthermore, you can ask around your workplace and see if any of your colleagues are searching for a roommate.

Think about your hobbies

If you have a particular hobby that you do within a group, why not ask around the group if someone is looking for a roommate? It can be your art class, dance class, yoga group or you can even put a sing up in your local gym. This gives you the chance of finding a roommate with similar interests and could make living together with a roommate a fun experience.

friends playing games

The unconventional way

If you run out of ideas, you can always try the more unconventional ways of finding a roommate. Go through your online activities and ask in those groups. Try putting posts in your Reddit or gamer groups, Facebook groups dedicated to certain hobbies. You can even try putting an offer on Craigslist. However, in these cases, you need to be careful and make sure you take your time to get to know your potential new roommate.

Go around town

Put up a flyer together stating your interests and facts about what you’re looking for. Do you need a roommate for an apartment that you’re already leasing, or do you first want to find a roommate and then apartment hunt together? If you need someone to go apartment hunting with you, you can also plan your move together. You can put up flyers in your local bodegas, markets, laundry mats and shared working spaces, local libraries, and coffee shops.

Take your time to find a perfect roommate in Cherry Hill

Don’t worry if you don’t find someone the second your start looking around. Usually, it will take a few days until somebody answers your post or flyer. Don’t make the decision of living with someone hastily. This decision needs to be made cold- headed, hurrying this process will only lead to bad decisions. Take your time and it should all fall into place.

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